Change-log - version 2.4

Change-log - version 2.4


Shorting options

Shorting options have been added, when you are editing the macro in the page.

The current available options are:

  • Key

  • Rank

  • Created

  • Updated

Order options

Additional to the shorting options above, there have been added also the order option during editing.

  • ASC

  • DESC

Improvements & Bug Fixes

Macro in page was appearing as broken, during page export

Exporting Issue Hierarchy macro, in a Word or PDF document is an in-progress task.


This will not happen again and a nice panel is appearing at the moment. The Confluence page hyperlink is redirecting the reader to the page where the hierarchy exists.



This will not happen again and an extra line has been added to the document, informing that the feature is in-progress.